Clay Jones Homeless Project: Ira Buchion
Work originally published here by Virgin Islands Source on May 24, 2020
This is the sixth in a series of short portraits by Clay Jones. The stories of the men and women Jones has known and photographed over many years are told here in Jones’ words and aim to give a voice to the invisible.
Ira Buchion can generally be found in Havensight. He is 49 years old. I have known Ira for about 10 years. He definitely has a drug habit. Other than that, I don’t know much about him. Until starting this project, I didn’t really talk much to many of the models.
Our relationship is all about the photography, which I see as being much deeper than conversations.
With Ira, I feel that in particular.
He dresses very stylishly out of what he has available. Whenever I take his picture, he automatically goes into a pose.
He is a polite guy … very soft spoken.
Editor’s note: Neither Jones nor the Source suggest that everything Ira has shared over the years is entirely accurate. What we hope is to introduce him as a person in our community who we now recognize.
Jones has not been paid for this project; instead he asks that donations be made to Alternative Art Alliance, which is the 501(c)(3) charitable entity associated with sevenminusseven.